
Ms Khushbu Lichade- THIRD YEAR B.P.Th. student of DattaMeghe College of Physiotherapy presented poster in 3RD National Bioethics Medical and Research Conference “ETHOS-2019” held on 12TH-13TH July 2019 Datta Meghe Institutes of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha. Her topic of poster presentation was “Ethical issues on decision making of geriatric population in physiotherapy” She presented this poster under the guidance of Dr.Sohan Selkar Principal DMCOP.
Ms Khushbu Lichade- THIRD YEAR B.P.Th. student of DattaMeghe College of Physiotherapy presented poster in 3RD National Bioethics Medical and Research Conference “ETHOS-2019” held on 12TH-13TH July 2019 Datta Meghe Institutes of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha. Her topic of poster presentation was “Ethical issues on decision making of geriatric population in physiotherapy” She presented this poster under the guidance of Dr.Sohan Selkar Principal DMCOP.

Tackling Public Health
In Culturally Diverse World Mr. Pratik Nitin Naxine – 2nd Year B.P.Th student submitted the Proposal on “Tackling Public Health In Culturally Diverse World”. His paper was published in the Global Bioethics Enquiry Magazine the Scholarly Publication of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Volume 7, issue 2 September 2019.
In Culturally Diverse World Mr. Pratik Nitin Naxine – 2nd Year B.P.Th student submitted the Proposal on “Tackling Public Health In Culturally Diverse World”. His paper was published in the Global Bioethics Enquiry Magazine the Scholarly Publication of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Volume 7, issue 2 September 2019.