Code & Conduct

Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behavior both inside and out side the campus and not to indulge in any activity, which will tend to bring down the prestige of the Institution.
The following additional acts of omission and/orcommission by the students within orout side the precincts of the Colleges hall constitute grossvi olati on of ‘code of conduct’ andwill be punishable.
A student admitted to the UG/PG program shall abide by the “Rules and Regulations”issued by the Institution from time to time.These standing orders shall deal with the discipline of the students in the Hostels,Departments,inside andout side of the Institution premises.The standing orders mayal so deal with such other matters as are considered necessary for the general conduct of the students,co-curricul arand extra-curricular activities.
Students should be aware that any rule imposed by the institution, University and Government is binding on him/her.

Identification Documents

Every Student admitted will be issued a photo identification card which must be retained by the student while he or she is registeredat Institution.The ID card will remain as the property of Institution.The student must possess the validID card while in the institution.
The valid ID card must be presented for identification purposes as and when demanded by authorities. Any student refusing to provide the ID card shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
Any student who alters or intentionally mutilates an ID card or who uses the ID cards of another student or allows his ID card to be used by another will be subjected to disciplinary action.

General Conduct within campus

Students are required to move silently through the corridors without disturbing the nearby classes and laboratories.
Nobody should sit on the corridor walls or steps of the buildings.
Give way to teachers, staff and visitors while moving in the corridors, on the staircases and other places in the campus.


All the students are required to wear the college uniform on campus.
The boys are required to tuck in their shirts.
On the occasions like interviews or other formal functions, all the students shall wear formal apparel.

Common Off / Absence

Remaining absent from the institution without prior permission of the authority is strictly prohibited.
The students involved in common off are liable to heavy fine, and punishment including expelling from the hostel as decided by the Institution from time to time.
The students involved in common off or having less attendance in class shall be liable for disciplinary action
If a student remains absent for a period of 05 days or more for a valid reason, he is required to take prior permission from the respective class coordinator or covey through mail on urgent basis.

Seeking Guidance

In case of hostel related problems, the student shall contact the concerned warden/ rector first. For any additional help, he should contact the class teacher and HoD.
For any academic matters the student shall contact the coordinator first and then respective faculty Advisor.
For any other personal grievances/ problems, student shall first contact their preceptor and then HoD. The students should share their worries with their friends, mentor and respective class coordinator..
For any specific problem the student can contact the preceptor or class coordinator to seek the guidance.


The students indulging in following acts shall be treated as misbehavior and will be liable for the punishment.
Lack of courtesy and decorum, as well as indecent behavior;
Submission of wrong/ false/ incorrect information at the time of admission or during the tenure in the Institution;
Infringement of instructions of security guard
Misbehaving with the faculty or staff of the Institution
Parking in unauthorized places
Willful damage of property of the Institution/Hostel/faculty/staff or of fellow students.
Possession/consumption/distribution of alcoholic drinks and banned drugs
Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library material, like Books, etc.
Noisy and unseemly behavior, disturbing peace in the College/Hostel
Hacking in computer systems, either hardware or software or both
Using unfair means in the examinations
Throwing the garbage outside the dustbins
Wasting Water and Electricity in the institution/hostel
Resorting to plagiarism
Writing on benches, walls or doors or defacing the property of Institution/hostel
Any act of indiscipline of a student reported to the Incharge (Students Activities)
Any other act which will damage the image of the Institution in the society.
Using Mobile phones during the Instructional hours and within the Institution Building, Library, Reading room etc.


Smoking/chewing tobacco, pan, pan masala, or derivatives of tobacco, spitting and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited in hostel building and premises. It is also a criminal offence as per the existing law provisions. All those who are found indulging in these activities will be charged as per the IPC rules and a strict action will be taken.

Action Against Ragging

As per due provision of Maharashtra prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 Ragging is a non-bailable cognizable offence. Whosoever indulges in ragging either-directly or indirectly shall be liable for punishment amounting to imprisonment up to 2 years and fine of Rs. 10,000/- along with dismissal from the institution.
Ragging within or outside of the institution is strictly prohibited.
Whosoever directly orindirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates ragging within or outside the institution shall be liable for the punishment as per the existing provisions of law and act.
The cases of ragging reported to the Institution authorities shall be forwarded to the Special Anti-Ragging Committee constituted as per the directions of Hon. Supreme Court of India.
The AntiRagging Committee will investigate the matter and recommend the suitable action to be taken against the accused students.

Disciplinary Action

As per due provision of Maharashtra prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 Ragging is a non-bailable cognizable offence. Whosoever indulges in ragging either-directly or indirectly shall be liable for punishment amounting to imprisonment up to 2 years and fine of Rs. 10,000/- along with dismissal from the institution.
Ragging within or outside of the institution is strictly prohibited.
Whosoever directly orindirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates ragging within or outside the institution shall be liable for the punishment as per the existing provisions of law and act.
The cases of ragging reported to the Institution authorities shall be forwarded to the Special Anti-Ragging Committee constituted as per the directions of Hon. Supreme Court of India.
The AntiRagging Committee will investigate the matter and recommend the suitable action to be taken against the accused students.

Disciplinary Action

The student should strictly obey the rules and regulations given above. Violation of any of the above rules by the students shall be dealt with disciplinary action to the extent of even expelling him from the Institution and /or hostel.
The cases of indiscipline shall be reported to Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC). DAC shall enquire into the charges and recommend suitable action if the charges are substantiated.
The decision of Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC) shall be final and binding on the student and his parents.
If a student is found indulging in anti-national activities contrary to the provisions of acts and laws enacted by Government, he shall be liable to be expelled from the institution without any notice.
In case of severe and serious matters, if required, a separate Discipline Committee may be formed by the Principal, depending on the nature of the matter.
I have read and understood all the points of the Conduct & Discipline. I will abide by this Conduct & Discipline / Rules & Regulations notified time-to-time. If I fail to observe the same, I will liable to the punishment decided by the college administration.

Declaration by the Parents/ Guardian

I have read and understood all the points of the Conduct & Discipline. I assure that my son/daughter/ward will abide by this Conduct & Discipline / Rules & Regulations notified time-to- time. If he/she fails to observe the code of conduct, he/she will be liable to the punishment decided by the college administration.